Disappearing Blueberry Bars

"Disappearing" Blueberry Bars. Quick, Simple, and Delicious! Salt, Oil, and Sugar FREE! www.LipstickandBerries.com

These are the easiest, quickest, and most addictive treats ever! You have been warned. They are called “Disappearing” for a reason! 🙂 These are just pure goodness with no overwhelming spices and no added fats.   They remind me of a moist blueberry breakfast muffin.  Hey, great idea – Try replacing your 1000 calorie blueberry muffin with one or two of these!! Your body will thank you, and so will I! These are pretty self explanatory; all I can say is that you may want to make two batches!


2 Ripe Bananas, smashed

1 Cup Applesauce, unsweetened

2 Cups Uncooked, Gluten Free, Old Fashioned Oats

1 Cup Frozen Wild Blueberries

2 Tablespoons Walnuts, chopped (optional)

1/4 Cup Raisins (optional)


Mix all ingredients together and then press into a 9×9 pan lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. 

**Notes: Be sure to use frozen blueberries.  They help make the bars extra moist. I always use WILD blueberries because they are sweeter and smaller. 



  1. Katie Holdsworth says:

    Oh my I can see why u call these disappearing blueberry bars! I just made a batch and they are absolutely delish! My toddler and I have been polishing them off all afternoon! I don’t know if any will be saved for dad by the time he gets home!

  2. Cheryl Callahan says:

    My kiddos are gonna love these!! I’m so excited your site is up & going. PS you are stunning!

  3. My wife just made these, wow! They are outstanding! Make em, eat em, make more!

  4. These babies look amazing! So excited to try these out 😀 I was just wondering if there is any substitution for the apple sauce, it possible to make home made apple sauce? Thank you so much by the way for your beautiful website ❤

    • Hi! You could certainly make you own applesauce. You would just need to boil, steam, or stew apples and then puree them. You could try one more banana in replace, prune paste, or another high pectin fruit. You could also use peaches or pears and make a puree. Thanks Amber!

      Peace, Love, and Berries

  5. This looks so tasty, gonna try it the next days! It’s 300 degrees Fahrenheit, right? So about 180° Celcius?

  6. Wow these look delicious and I’m not even a huge fan of blueberries, might need to make these for the b/f! Thanks for the recipe and you have beautiful photography too!

    • Hi Amanda!! Thank you! If the boyfriend likes blueberries then these will be a definite hit! (It wouldn’t surprise me if you like too!!) Please enjoy, and let me know what you think! 😍

      Peace, Love, and Berries

  7. Danielle says:

    Just wondering how many bars this recipe makes approximately?

  8. Thank you for this recipe! Made these yesterday because I was craving some sort of junk food. Made these and they were so much better then any cookie, or chip. They satisfied my cravings. My husband also just ate a bunch for breakfast this morning and was super happy with them!

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